Klaudia Fryc-Mallick

Cultural psychologist and business trainer

I am a cultural psychologist by education – I graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow with a specialization in cultural psychology. I also studied psychology and cultural anthropology in Aberdeen, Great Britain.

As part of my trainer’s education, I graduated from the Institute of Training and Psychosocial Education (STEP) under the auspices of the Polish Psychological Society. In 2018-2019, I also completed the certification of Intercultural Trainer and Consultant in Berlin, Germany.

My experience

In addition to comprehensive, constantly updated and expanded knowledge, my resource for you is also intensive, ongoing practical experience as a trainer of psychosocial competences.

While I was still a student, I worked at the Interkulturalni PL Association in Krakow and conducted training in the areas of intercultural skills, foreigner cultural adaption, and anti-discrimination.

For the last 10+ years I’ve been working mostly with business clients, including:

BNP Paribas
Bosch-Siemens (BSHG)
Motorola Solutions
State Street
Warner Music
... and many others
Book is coming out in:


With undisguised pride, I present the book "Masala@work. A Guide to Collaborating with Indians".

This is my first literary offspring, which has been maturing for years. Fed by hundreds of meetings, conversations, travels, books, and… an innumerable amount of cups of coffee!

The journey wasn’t easy. Partings and returns. Searching for inspiration when it was time to write. Searching for time when inspiration came – sometimes in the middle of the night! But they say quality needs time 😉

“Masala@work” is not just an ordinary book. It is a compendium of knowledge, practical tips, and authentic stories that will help you better understand and build stronger and more effective business relationships with partners from India.

I won’t be modest – I won’t hesitate to say that it is the most substantive book on this subject available in Poland!

Personal life

I live and work in two languages - Polish and English. I have two homes - in Poland and India, but by practicing the idea of "slow travelling", I also feel connected to several other places on the planet.

My professional interests and activities are influenced by my personal experiences and passions, which have been entwined for many years. The door to learning about Indian culture “from the inside” opened for me when I met my Indian spouse while studying in the UK. As a result, I have firsthand experience with not only the process of cultural adaptation in a foreign country but also the difficult but necessary learning of the art of fostering cooperation, efficient communication, and understanding in the face of cultural differences.

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